Jana Kennedy




Aaron Parsons




Kristen Robinson




Stacey Sole






Welcome 4th Grade Families!  


We are looking forward to a wonderful school year with your child! Fourth grade brings exciting changes to your child’s elementary school years, so we want to share some important information about the start of the school year and how things will look in our classrooms this fall.   


Communication: Open communication between school and home is very important to us! It is vital that we have accurate email addresses and phone numbers.  Please make sure the email address we are using is one that you check often.  We will frequently reach out via email with important information about what’s happening at school and in our classroom.  Please feel free to contact us at any point with any questions or concerns.    


Health and Safety: Our number one priority is the health and safety of our students and colleagues. Please make sure to keep your child home if he or she is exhibiting any illness symptoms. Currently, masks are optional in the building. Multiple opportunities will be available for students to wash their hands throughout the day. Students will be staying with their grade-level cohorts during the day.    


Supplies: Be sure your child has their required school supplies. We will not use student lockers this year. Students are welcome to bring a water bottle, but please make sure it has their full name clearly labeled on it.  


Arrival:  Car riders and walkers may begin arriving at school at 8:00. Students can enter through the front door or the 4th Grade door off the playground. Please do not arrive earlier than 8:00, as there will not be supervision before that time. School starts at 8:15, and any student arriving after that time will be required to enter through the front door.  


Dismissal: School ends at 2:57  

  • Bus Riders will be dismissed first from the classroom.   
  • Walkers will be dismissed and will leave the building through the 4th Grade door. Please be sure your child is aware of where to find you after school if you are walking them home or to your car.     
  • EDP will be dismissed to the cafeteria to check in with EDP staff.   
  • Car Riders will be dismissed last and will exit out the 4th Grade door. Students will sit with their grade level in the front loop to wait to be picked up from the car line.   


Daily Routine: Your child will be assigned two teachers this year. They will split their time between each classroom, however, your child’s homeroom teacher is who you will receive the majority of communication with throughout the school year.  

  • Specials (Music, Art, PE): 10:00-10:45  
  • Lunch & Recess: 12:25-1:00