Natalie Eckenfels 




Yvette Hull 



Jeni Johnson




We are excited for a new school year, and we are looking forward to seeing our students’ sweet faces. Below you will find essential information about how 2ndgrade will look this coming school year. Please take the time to carefullyreadthe information and feel free to contact us with any questions. We may not know all the answers, butwewill do our best to find someone who does! 


Communication- We believe that to build a strong home-school connection, it is vital that we have a working and accurate email and phone number to connect with parents/guardians. Please be sure that the email you provide to us is the one that you check the most frequently, as valuable informationwill be sentout often!We will also be using talking points to send out information, so please be sure to set up an account. 


Health and Safety-The health and safety of our students and colleagues is our number one priority.Students will remain with their cohort (class) as much as possible throughout the day and, when possible, physical distancing will be implemented.Students will have the option to wear a facemask if they feel comfortable doing so, but facemasks are not required. We will be washing hands multiple times throughout the day and using hand sanitizerand disinfectant wipes,as necessary.Now, more than ever, it is extremely important to monitor your students’ health. Please refer to the health and safety section in the parent packet sent out by Principal Reynolds for more information on health procedures. 

Arrival-Studentswill beallowedon campusand able to enter the classroomat 8:00 AM.  2ndgrade Car Riders and Walkers will enter through the front door. EDP will enter the building through the front doors and Bus Riders will enter through the cafeteria doors.  

Dismissal-Schoolwill be dismissedat 2:57PM.   

  • Bus Riders will be dismissed first over the intercom. 
  • Walkers will be dismissed second. Walkers should exit the building through our grade level departure door. Parents are encouraged to create their own rendezvous points away from the building. 
  • EDP will be dismissed third and should be the only students in the hallway at this time. 
  • Car Riders will dismiss last and will exit their assigned door with a staff member, where they will wait at an assigned grade-level spot around the front loop. Students will be lined up with their cohort/homeroom and socially distanced from other students.  


Daily Routine-Again, students will remain in their cohorts as much as possible during the day. Breakfast and will be eatenin the cafeteria, with each homeroom sitting at assigned tables to maintain cohorts as much as possible. We will continue to work on all the regular curriculum and subjects. A schedule will be sent out by your classroom teacher within the first few weeks of school as we get into the routine of things.   


School Supplies-Bring school supplies to Meet the Teacher Night or toschool on the first day, August17th. If needed, suppliescan be sentin shifts on different days… they can get heavy! Please have all supplies there by the end of the first week.   


Visitors- All visitors and guests are expected to check in and follow visitor-required protocol. 


Extra Info-Please label the outside of your child’s backpack, lunch box, water bottle, etc.with his/her name in permanent markeror labels.   


We are planning a year full of richlearning opportunities and lots of FUN! Please do not hesitate to contact your teacher with any questions/concerns you may have. We eagerly anticipate working with you as partners in your child’s education and we appreciate your patience as we are all learning the new routines and protocols.